آمار مطالب

کل مطالب : 182
کل نظرات : 1

آمار کاربران

افراد آنلاین : 1
تعداد اعضا : 0

کاربران آنلاین

آمار بازدید

بازدید امروز : 7
باردید دیروز : 1
بازدید هفته : 8
بازدید ماه : 548
بازدید سال : 1441
بازدید کلی : 25295

نام :
وب :
پیام :

آمار وب سایت:

بازدید امروز : 7
بازدید دیروز : 1
بازدید هفته : 8
بازدید ماه : 548
بازدید کل : 25295
تعداد مطالب : 182
تعداد نظرات : 1
تعداد آنلاین : 1

** ** ***** *****
نویسنده : محمود جلیلی مرودشتی
تاریخ : شنبه 13 آبان 1391
متن انگلیسی خطابه غدیر

In the name of Allah (Who's) the
Compassionate Merciful

The first man, who in God believed, was

To His Fair Messenger believed, was Ali;

Believed in God, and was Messenger’s friend,

Ne’er could beat him one ‘in His Doctrine’!

The Closing Sermon of God's Prophet

(Peace be upon him and his descendants)



1. “Praise belongs to Allah, Who is Sublime in His Oneness, and He is with all
beings in His Loneliness. Glorious is He in His Domination, and He is great in
His Foundations! His Knowledge encircles all beings without taking a move or
having a dwelling; He subdues everything with His Power and Reasoning! He has
eternally been praised, and so will be praised forever! There is no end to His
Greatness, Dignity and Grandness; He is the Originator, Resurrector, and to Him
all things return.

2. He is the Maker of the heavens, as well the expander of
the Earth(es), and He is Ruler over them; He is [beyond all beings], and He is
Glorified and Sanctified. So is He the Lord of the Angels, and the Spirit! He
favours all creatures that He has created! His Grace is expanded to all that He
has created. He perceives the eyes [of all beings], while no eyes can see Him;
He is the most Generous, Patient and Calm. His Mercy cuddles the whole entity;
He favours them with His Bounty. He is Serene in His revenge, and is Patient to
the pain-deserved!

3. He is Aware of the secrets, and is discerned of thoughts, the covered are
discovered to Him, and the hidden manifest. It is His to hold everything, and
dominate it. The Source of strength is He, and is Powerful over everything.
There is no comparable unto Him.

It is He Who has created things out of absolute 'Nil'. He is Immortal, Alive,
and is the Spreader of Justice; there is no deity but Him, the Wise Almighty.

4. No eyes can see Him but he perceives all eyes; He is aware of the secrets [of
men], and is informed of all things. No one can attribute Him by means of
seeing, and no one can appreciate His Being by His concealment or manifestation,
but only what the 'Glorified' wills us to know.

5. I testify that He is Alone ‘God’, the One Whose Sanctity has filled up the
whole world; and His Light has prevailed the Eternity! Without any counselor He
enacts His proper Command, and has no ally in His Providence; and without aid,
He does His plans and measures.

6. Without an initial plan for creation, He
has shaped and fashioned all beings with help of no one – with no effort, not
thinking about, and without having had recourse, He has brought the world to
being from ‘Nil’, His will has brought them to existence.

Thus, He is God, the Almighty; there is none as a deity but Him! It is He Whose
Artistry is solid and firm, and [the Structure of His] Work is fair! He is Just;
He does not commit oppression, and He is so generous that to Him return all

7. And I testify that He is God that all beings humble before His Dignity, and
all are debased before His Glory; everything bows as submission before His
Power, and all things are in state of humility before His tremendous and
impressive Majesty!

8. He is the King of all beings, and the roller of the
encircling heavens, He submits the sun and the moon to His bid to move just
according to a time limit. He rolls up the night in the day; moreover, He wraps
up the day into night which each goes rapidly: one after other, (The Heights:
7/54). He is the destroyer of any oppressive tyrant, and the eliminator of the
rebellious, insurgent demon!

9. There is neither an opponent for Him, nor is anyone equal to Him. He is the
One Who needs none! He is not born, and He has not given birth to anyone, there
is nothing comparable unto Him; (The Sincerity: 112). He is the Unique God, and
the Glorious Lord. He wills, and carries out! He intends, and ordains, He is
All-Knowing, and thus, He calculates [things]. He gives life and sends death. He
impoverishes [one] and enriches [another], He sends mirth or makes one cry; He
draws closer or moves away; He forbids [one] then grants! To Him belongs the
Sovereignty, and to Him go all praises and lauds! And He is Capable of [doing]

10. He merges the night into the daylight, and the daylight into
the nigh. There is no God but Him, Who is Glorious and Forgiving. He answers the
appeals and fulfills prayers, grants abundantly and counts the numbers of
breaths; He is the Lord of Jinn and Mankind, nothing is baffling to Him.

The cries of the criers do not distress Him, nor does the insistence of those
who insist, bother Him! He is the Guardian of the pious, and the Assistant of
the righteous; the Guardian of the believers, and the Lord of the universe! He
deserves to be praised and glorified by all those have been created.

11. I greatly thank, and eternally praise Him: not only in tranquility or in
hardship, nor in extreme difficulty, but also in peace and serenity. I believe
in Him and His Angels, in His Scriptures, and His Messengers! I heed His
Commands and obey Him. I hasten to do whatever pleases Him, and I submit myself
to His Command for I am inclined to obey Him, and I fear His chastisement. For
indeed: He is such a God that no one remains safe from His Astuteness; and no
one fears His Injustice – (for there comes no injustice from Him)!”




12. “And now, I confess to my servitude to Him, so do I confess to the Divinity
of His: and I carry out my duty concerning the Revelation has announced to me,
in fear that if I were not to execute it, such a torment might befall on me that
no one could eliminate it – even though having a great astuteness, and his
friendship be sincere [to me]! There is no God but Him, for He has announced to
me that if I do not proclaim to you [the Fact] that concerning Ali, (peace be
upon him) has been stated to me, I have not fulfilled my mission as a Messenger
of God. And God has guaranteed me of His protection against the people's
corruption, for God is Generous, all-Sufficient. So, God has revealed to me


‘In the name of Allah (Who's) the most Merciful Bountiful

(O Messenger of Us)!

Announce this Message that; to you

Being sent from your Great Lofty Lord:

[Regarding Ali, and Command of Ali]

Or else, then you have not carried

Your own task as a right Messenger of His;

‘DEFENDER’, from reproach of men, God is.’ (The Table: 5/67)


13. “O people! I have not been neglectful about publicizing what has been
delivered to me by God. Now, I am to explain to you the cause of the Revelation
of this Verse: Gabriel, bearing His Command, came down to me thrice from
‘Peace’, the Creator – for only He is [the source of] Peace – he brought it to
me that to stand amid this vast mass and deliver God's Command. Now, I announce
you the coloured or white that: Ali, the son of Talib, is [as] a brother to me,
and he is my executor, and successor to lead my people as an Imam after me! His
relation to me is as Aaron to Moses is, except for no other messengers will
follow me. After God and His Messenger, Ali is going to be your Conserver, and
God has sent down a Verse saying: ‘Verily, your Guardian is Only God, His
Messenger and the believers who pray and pay alms while are bowing down,’ (The
Table: 5/55). Surely it is Ali who did set up prayer, and while bowing [down to
pray], paid out alms, and always sought the Will of Almighty God.”


14. “And I
asked Gabriel to beseech Almighty God so that He may discharge me from this duty
of mine, because I well knew the scarcity of the virtuous, but the excess of the
deceivers; and the vices of the blamers, as well who scald, and the deceit of
those who insult Islam – those whom God has defined in His Book that: ‘They say
what does not exist in their hearts, and they take it of very little importance,
while it is of the utmost importance to God,’ (The Light: 24/25).


15. Also because the frauds have always annoyed me, and have called me: ‘He is
all ears, listening to every word!’ [It was] just because of Ali's following me,
and because of my deep attachment to him, and my fond attention toward him, and
because of my approval of him. It was until then God sent this Verse down
saying: ‘And of those some annoy Messenger and say, "He is only an ear.’" [But o
Messenger] say: "An ear, yes, but it is good for you; for he [listens but to the
Revelations of God], which is of your benefit. [He] believes [in God], and
trusts [the believers] – taking them all the serious righteous. Surely for them
is a painful chastisement …” (The Repentance: 9/61).

Had I wished, I could name those who use these words, or I could point them out
to you one by one; and had I wished, I could lead you to them but I swear to God
that I have behaved gracefully and generously towards them.


16. But, despite
this, God may not be pleased with me if I do not let you know what has been
revealed to me, about Ali, [then he recited God's Words]: ‘…

O Messenger! Announce what has been sent down to you from Your Lord [about Ali,
(peace be upon him). And if you do not then, you would not have fulfilled your
duty as the Messenger of God. Surely God protects you from the annoyance of the
mischievous people;’” (The Table: 5/67).





17. “O People! Know that this Verse is about him: so perceive it thoroughly and
know that God has picked him as your Defender, and appointed him as your
'Leader'. His obedience is bound to the Immigrants, the Allies, and those who
obey them in fairness; so is for the villagers and the citizens, the non-Arabs
as well the Arab clans, and for the free men and the servants; for all – young,
old, black and white, and for every Monotheist whosoever!

You are bound to achieve his decision and word, and to obey his instruction!
Whosoever opposes him is damned; and whosoever obeys him and regards, receives
the Grace of God. God delivers and forgives whosoever gives ear and obeys him!


18. O people! It is my final rising in such a [huge] gathering. Thus, listen,
and then obey well [the Words of] God! And submit yourselves to His Command! For
God Almighty is your Master and your Lord; and after God, your Master is the
Messenger of God, the Prophet, who is at present calling out to you. And after
me, according to the Divine Command, Ali is your Master, and your Leader,
[Imam]. Then after him, the Leadership will be preserved, and perpetuated in my
progeny, by his lineage, until the Day of Judgement when you come to encounter
your God and His Messenger.


19. Nothing is lawful but whatever God and His Messenger, and the Imams permit;
and nothing is forbidden to you, unless God, and His Messenger, as well as Ali,
and the next Imams forbid it. God, glory to Him in the highest, has stated to me
all about permissible and the forbidden, and whatever lawful and unlawful that
God has taught me in His Book, I have put it all in Ali’s disposal.


20. “O
people! Prefer [the superiority of] Ali to others, for there is no knowledge
that God has offered me, and then, I have offered it to Ali, the Leader of the
believers – all knowledge of mine has been transferred to him. He is the ‘The
clarifying Leader (Imam-e-Moabin)’; so doubtless that it is said in (Yaa-sin:
36/12), ‘Thus We have accounted, the knowledge of all things in the Exposing
Book of Guidance!’


21. O people! Never forget him, and do not deviate from his Leadership, and do
not violate his guardianship. He is one, who guides you to path of Truth, and he
himself does all what he discloses; he ruins lies, deceits, and he bars
artifice. Never can the reproaches of who blame [annoy and bother, or] cease him
in his way!


22. He is the first man to believe in God, and to His right
Messenger who believed was Ali; no one has ever beaten him ‘In His Doctrine’!

It was he who put his soul in danger for the sake of Messenger, and he adored
him. It was he who was always next to the Messenger of Almighty God, and prayed
God along with Him – it was no one but Ali.


23. “Ali is the first man to establish prayer with me. I informed him of God’s
Command that to lie on my bed, [on the Night of Immigration], so did he accepted
to sacrifice his soul for me.


‘Bid him I, to lie in bed of mine, the Night

Threatened hazard me – he did with delight,

He did sacrifice soul of his for me, and

Away journeyed I, dim within, off the Land.’”


24. “O people! Honor him greatly; for God Almighty has honored him – do accept
the ‘Bid’, for the Almighty God has chosen him as the ‘Imam’.


25. O people! He
has been picked as Imam by God; therefore, He does not accept the repentance of
the deniers. It is the absolute God’s will on those opposing Truth. Beware of
opposing him in ill-will, or you will be caught up by the Fire whose fuel is
stones and stone-men that have been prepared for all faith-rejecters!


26. O people! I swear to Almighty God that the bygone messengers have announced
‘Fact’, about my coming: now here, I am proof for the whole world – on the
earth, and in the heavens. Accordingly who doubts about my rightfulness, he will
be among the early ignorance. And one who doubts about my today’s percept, will
doubt the entire ‘REVELATIONS’, and one who doubts about one of the Imams, he
doubts not one of them but all! And the denier: i.e. those who doubt Us, will be
dwelt within the Fire.


27. O people! God has extremely honored me, and
bestowed His immense favours upon me, and know that, ‘There is no deity but Him!
And know that all praise, through all Eternity, and in all occasions belongs to
Him only.


28. O people! Honor Ali, for he is indeed the best of men next to me among you,
men and women! This will continue until the creatures exist on land and until
God sends His provision to man! May one be damned, may damned thus! May one be
buried in Wrath, in Divine Wrath: who refuses [listening to] my say, or agrees
not with what I have just said.

Know that Gabriel brought me this news of God, [saying]: "One who rises against
Ali, and does not accept his Leadership, then, let My wrath, and My course fall
upon that type. It is just for a man to see what [good or bad] he has forwarded
for his tomorrow – Next Day. Thus, fear God, for by opposing Ali, lest your foot
may slip after it is planted and found root! For indeed God is Aware of
everything you do!


29. O people! He is indeed the one next to God, and God has
remarked about whom, in His Lofty Book, and He has stated about those who oppose
him: ‘Alas! How negligence I was at neighborhood of Allah!’”


30. “O people! Do deeply reflect on the Holy Qur'an, and try to catch the
Verses’ sense and comprehend, then try to observe the even Verses of its, but do
not dazzle at resembled Verses. By God! Whatever is deeply rooted in it, and the
true meaning and the sense of its cannot be well explained to man, except by
this man that I am holding his hand high; now I announce that: ‘Whomsoever I am
master to, so is this Ali to him master!’

And he is none but Ali, the son of Talib, my brother, my successor and my help,
whose Leadership’s Decree, has been sent to me from God, Almighty:


31. O
people! It is obvious that Ali and my pure descendants born in this family
represent the minor benefit, and the Qur'an represents major.

Either of these two heralds, and relates to another, or they are in harmony with
one another: they will not separate from each other until they come to me at
‘Koathar’, (on that Certain Day)! Let it be known that: they are the Trustees of
God among His creatures, and are rulers by His Command on the earth.


32. Thus, know that I have done my duty, and let it be known that I have
conveyed the communiqué, and made you hear the truth, and brightened you about.
Let it be known that it was God Word and I repeated it on His behalf:


Thus, let it be known that except this brother of mine, no one can be called the
‘Lord of the Believers’, who is here [as] a brother with me. And let it be known
that: after I am gone, the title of, ‘The Lord of the Believers’ is not allowed
to be used by any one except for him!”


تعداد بازدید از این مطلب: 1269
امتیاز مطلب : 64
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 24
مجموع امتیاز : 24

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